According to a recent survey, dogs are the most commonly owned pet in UK households. The share of households reporting dog ownership stood at 33 percent. It's 12 million dogs in UK home.
Unconditional love. Devoted companionship. Constant entertainment. Most of the dog lovers know that life is better with dog. Their emotional support feel less alone and help alleviate stress and anxiety. A comprehensive review of studies published between 1950 and 2019 found that dog owners had a lower risk of death. Studies suggest that dog owners have lower blood pressure levels and improved responses to stress. British study discovered that dog owners are nearly four times more likely than non-dog owners to meet daily physical activity guidelines. Dogs help humans in countless vital ways.
However sadly we are no stranger to the suffering and cruelty that humans can inflict upon the dogs. While unforeseen circumstances may force some people to have the dog rehomed, there are so many occasions dogs being abandoned for no better reason than their owners having simply given up on them. Our modern, throwaway culture has taught us to only value perfect things that provide us with quick gratification, whether that’s the latest iPhone or the trendiest designer dog. Particularly around this festive season, this kind of consumerism and thinking is perpetuated. Instead of treating our pets as disposable accessories, we need to value them and recognize they aren’t just a temporary commitment to be discarded because of their imperfections.

Rolling paw is wheel cart for handcapped dog that aiming to give a second chance to have better quality of life. As sentient beings, they inherently deserve to be respected and well-treated, but often they are cruelly abandoned. To prevent abandonment issue, an advanced futuristic design applied to the wheelcart to provide high technology, modern stylish. The wheelcart can be a fashionable item that the every dog owners want to own.

Canine Skeletal Anatomy

The Anatomy of A Dog’s Knee
The legs of a dog are a significant part of their life, considering that it helps them move from one place to another.
A proper understanding of the anatomy of the dog’s leg would help you know about possible injuries and weaknesses, as well as the best ways to overcome them. The movement of a dog is facilitated by both the forelegs and the hind legs.
Despite the larger muscles and strength that the hind legs of dogs are known for, they still surprisingly do less work than the forelegs when it comes to carrying the weight of the dog. While the hind legs are only able to carry 1/3 of the overall body weight, the forelegs carry up to 2/3 of the entire bodyweight of the dog.
The Front legs
Briefly outlined what makes up the forelegs of any dog.
The upper arm is located just below the shoulder.
A long bone that goes all the way from the upper arm to the elbow is known as the humerus bone.
The elbow is located at the back of the foreleg, just inches below the chest. This is where you will find the first leg joint.
The long bone that you will find just after the elbow is known as the forearm. It consists of the radius and ulna. The radius and ulna are two bones sitting next to each other. They work together to ensure the proper functioning of the elbow.
The lower joint below the elbow is referred to as the wrist.

Tree structure and weight research

Felix Candela's hypars and umbrella column shell

load=1kN weight=65kg load=100kN weight=299kg load=10000kN weight=19849kg load=100000kN weight=195703kg
The branching pattern of tree has a structural mechanism to hold the large tree crown. This structural concept was adopted by Gaudi, especially in his later works, most famously in the Sagrada Familia Cathedral in Barcelona. The structure of a forest, with a set of treelike columns divided into different branches to support a structure of intertwined hyperboloid vaults.
Tree inspired dendriforms and structures

Front leg wheel cart pressure point study

The front body weight should be evenly distributed and designed on a foundation that minimizes fatigue.
Rendered View

Side View

Front view

Top view

Back view

Bottom view

Logo Design

Rolling paw technology

Rolling paw components

Manufacturing Rolling paw

Working process